Today is May 23rd, 2010. It's been 1 month since I had a total colectomy. I remember the pain, bloat, and utter disappointment I had the days prior to the surgery- I remember the look on the surgeon's face when he told me the only thing that would fix me would be the total removal of my colon. I remember the nurse coming in and marking where my stoma would be. And I remember telling everyone, reassuring everyone, that I would be ok- that this wasn't that big of a deal. And I remember admitting to myself that the surgery was a big deal. The aftermath was terrible, there was pain (emotionally and physically) nausea, embarrassment, and weird cravings.
What has changed? Everything. The way I plan my day. The outfit I wear. The food I eat. The places I go. I would have never guessed that I would have to learn terms such as stoma obstruction, illestomy, barrier wipes, adhesive remover, phantom poop pains... etc... But I did and I do and I am ready to move on. How will I celebrate today? With a tiny Coke.
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