This time last week, after just getting out of the hospital, I was bitter, pissed, and hated the world. I was in pain, I couldn't sleep, and I wanted to find a way out of life. My body had turned against me, it was out of my control. I heard (via various blogs) that it gets easier, changed/emptying the bag, the feelings you have regarding carrying around a bag 'o poo, feelings and apprehensions you have going anywhere. The thing is- I can't stop thinking about it, but the thoughts have changed from I HATE IT TAKE IT AWAY to Hey- this isn't so bad; I might make it after all. So what has changed? Staying busy- staying busy keeps my mind busy and my heart happy. Surrounded by friends- the keep the humor level way up, but let me shed some tears if I need it. Realizing that this my life now. This bag is as apart me as my left thumb. I need to function- to live. I recognize that I'm probably not completely through the healing process, but I feel good that I am just making it.

This picture shows the wicked cool ring my mom got me for Mother's Day. It's a Kindness Ring, The ring comes with several different color strings so you can change it out and each string means something really neat. Like my ring I have it tied with a white bow to remind me to breath, relax and accept peace. The ring goes 'oh so well' with the beautiful blue mani/ pedi I had with a very good friend.
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