This is me. In a scooter. At Walmart. I kept getting stares, like people were trying to figure out what my disability was- for sure next time I going to carry around beer and keep them guessing.
Days are much easier than nights, for sure... I can't get into a comfortable sleeping position. It (bag o' poo) keeps getting in the way. That and my total and complete "empty" feeling from not having anything to fill my abdominal cavity. I will adjust, I know this. I know that "life goes on" and "this will make me a better person;" I just DON'T feel that NOW, and I really need it. I have learned more about my intestines in the past few months than I thought possible- and "if I would have known now what I knew then?" I would have treated my body like a temple. I would have had gallons of water each day. I would have exercised. I would have stopped the cokes on the way to work (now when I drink coke my bag inflates.) I would have chosen fruits instead of sweets and vegetables instead of meats. Evidently I was totally ignoring what God/ the Universe was trying to tell me the past few months and this is how they really get the point across. I'll try and pay attention more next time, because this new "bag?" is not fun and I can't imagine what else they would throw my way.
Listening to: Hem
Reading: The Opposite of Me
Wearing: (Ethel), stretch pants, oversized purple shirt (feeling pretty confident that this will be my attire for the time being.
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