.... 23 is a mighty important number to me. It's the number of change. The number of tragedy and the number of life. I spent my 5 month anniversary (on the 23rd of September) at UT Southwestern Hospital getting a CT Scan (which is hilarious to me because the entire department knows my BY NAME and BIRTHDATE) and then off to see Dr. A, my surgeon. Good news? The damage is not below the muscle. Bad news? I have to get it surgically fixed- but it's a relatively easy surgery and recovery period with only 2-3 days in the hospital. Awesome. It hurts and itches and is driving me insane. Grrrrrr.....
Going to work tomorrow- and then off for a week. Dr. A was 90% sure I would have the surgery Monday, but there is a 10% chance it will happen the following Monday. Whatever. Just fix it.
I have walked (for the past week) to and from M's school in the mornings. It's been so calm and relaxing (after I drop her off of course) and I have also been eating a tad bit healthier. I have had several salads and less junk food. I am telling you all of this because I have GAINED 3 POUNDS. It must be muscle.
Must be building muscle on those walks!