... she is still innocent enough to believe that a "hoe" is a gardening tool.
... she called me (yes, she is allowed to take her phone to school on days she rides her bike by herself- AND, she turns it off as soon as she calls) today to let me know she was on her way home from school. "Don'tworry, Mama- I'm only 2 1/2 minutes away."
...she is starting to learn to love soaps. Using them, included.
...she is sleeping in her own bed (HUGE, by the way) and waking up in a great mood to her way cool alarm clock.
...I give her enough money to get a SnoCone after school on Wednesdays. After she puts the money in her backpack and takes HER money to get a friend a SnoCone that normally would not get one. (it makes my heart happy.)
...she is going to be 10 in a month. TEN. (Do you know what that means? I have aged also. Damnit.)
...she understands that when I'm sick, I'm really sick.

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