Here is a quick summary of my 2010.
January- uneventful.
February- uneventful.
March- return trip to Mayo in Arizona- success!
April- colon removed.
May- recovery.
June- back to work (part time); lifted something too heavy which resulted in a hernia; had an allergic reaction to my a
llergy shots, which resulted in a heart attack.
July- uneventful
August- Staph infection!
September- Prolapsed stoma due to hernia, time to get it fixed! September 27th routine hernia repair surgery. Stayed in hospital 2 nights; got discharged on October 1st.
October- readmitted due to obstruction (very painful). The highlights were the NG Tube, more than 15 IV placements, surgery to repair, and trying to kick start my small intestine. Stayed until October 12th. The 13th I was readmitted due to a high fever and severe pain in my abdomen! Sweet! An abcess! Finally g
ot a PICC line, which made me a very happy patient.
November- back to work (!)
December- still working! pretty bad pain mid month- KIDNEY STONES! Yep, 4 of them. Having a little party in my right kidney. Consu
lted with the Urologist (can I even tell you how happy I am I have another 'ologist' to my resume?) and decided surgery was the only option.
You get the idea. My 2010 sucked. I spent a few months after getting my ileostomy bitter and angry- my whole life changed with one event. I have to wear maternity jeans and belly bands and I can no longer wear tight tops. I get tired easily. But, in between all the crap, there were some good times too.
Gay Bingo with the crazy girls I work with. A trip to D.C. for sightseeing and relaxation with my love. Lots of Estate Sales. My first craft show! Becoming a member of Etsy Fort Worth. Watching Morgan grow into an amazing little girl- so sweet and understanding, with just a dash of smart ass. Being with Tyre when he bought Bullet (the most awesomest Challenger). Trading in Clancy for Casper- sad to see my buggy (200
6 VW Yellow Bug) go, happy with Casper (2011 White Ford Escape) and her working AC and radio. I am the official Godmother of the two most amazing babies.
Looking Forward to a Wicked Cool 2011
So many things to look forward too! Four Weddings- Mexico, Maryland, Austin, and Alaska. New house- with my very own "office." Exploring various artsy projects. Another Etsy Fort Worth Cowtown Indie Bazaar in
Here's a Toast...
I have the most amazing friends and family members. I could not have made it through all this CRAP without them. It's been quite an adjustment and I have not been the happiest or nicest person through all of it, but, I am ready to mov
e on. I hope everyone has a fantastic New Year's Eve and Day- don't forget to eat your black-eyed peas (I definitely will be- I need all the help I can get.)

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