Monday, January 4, 2010

One (Wo)Man's Trash is Another (Wo)Man's Treasure

When I go into an antique store (or a garage sale) I have a list of quirky items I look for- dominos, all kinds of game pieces, small toys that can be turned into charms, black and white pictures, chandelier crystals, vintage dictionaries, and any Golden Book- just to name a few. I get giddy with the anticipation of turning something into a piece of art, something that will be treasured and worn. For three years I have hunted and experimented with different ways to create jewelry, I hoard all types of craft books, I check 30+ crafty blogs obsessively, and I long to be surrounded with people to create with- and an unlimited amount of time to do it. Two weeks ago I was sent an invitation to become a member of Etsy Fort Worth. I have my first meeting on Thursday and I am apprehensive about going. What if they don't like me? What if my pieces aren't good enough? What if don't fit in?
One of my New Year's Resolutions was to create something everyday- no matter how tired I am. As I was getting an order ready to ship I saw a Loteria Card in my "tool" box. A cactus. A cactus is a perfect representation of how I view myself- able to endure all types of environment with little maintaining. For the past three years I have looked for who I am, who I want to be, and who I will become. I think 2010 is going to phenomenal year.

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